A handful of Long Island golf courses close every winter and typically reopen for the new season anywhere from mid-March to the end of April. With almost all of January and February 2011 buried by snow, those courses that remain open year-round are finally beginning to announce "reopenings" of their own.
One such facility is Tallgrass Golf Course in Shoreham, which will open its fairways to walkers on Wednesday, March 2. Lido Golf Club has already welcomed back large crowds. This is good news for area golfers who won't have to putt on mats or chip into cardboard boxes in their basements for much longer.
The following is a list of tentative reopening dates for Long Island's seasonal and year-round courses. (Or, for you gardeners out there, Long Island's annual and perennial courses.) Most seasonal courses open by mid-March; year-round courses will open as soon as conditions are favorable enough for foot traffic. Some provide specific dates; others are more vague. But once April starts, temporary tees and greens will slowly disappear and Long Island golf season will be in full swing.
Of course, one storm or bad frost can push openings farther down the calendar. So keep an eye out for updates.
*All dates listed below are subject to change. Call the courses directly for updated dates and times.
- Tallgrass -- March 2
- Mill Pond -- March 2
- Great Rock -- March 2
- North Woodmere Park -- March 2
- Crab Meadow -- March 5
- Hamlet Willow Creek -- March 7
- Spring Lake -- March 8
- Timber Point -- March 11
- Holbrook Country Club -- March 18
- Brentwood Country Club -- March 18
- Bethpage Green -- March 19
- Bethpage Red -- April 1
- Bethpage Black -- April 15
- Eisenhower Red -- Open
The following courses will likely reopen by late March:
- Bay Park -- March 25
- Christopher Morley Park -- Open
This post was updated on March 25, 2011.
Eisenhower White and Blue are currently open. I played White today. Greens bumpy but puttable, fairways and tee boxes (if you choose to neglect the temp tees) are in fine conditions. Get out and play dammit!
Posted by: AJ V | March 08, 2011 at 08:51 PM