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March 23, 2017


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RIP It was a fun walk while it lasted!


I will greatly miss Tall grass as I'm sure many others will too. It's a sad reality that its value as a golf course is less than its value as a "solar farm". A really unique and wonderful place to spend quality time is gone forever.

Paul L'Heureux

A big loss for GOLF.

Mike C

I (for one) will be missing those 6:00am TT's and the sub-3hr rounds.

Frank Masella

A huge loss for golf. we truly enjoyed playing there.

robert mccrae

I will miss this course, one of the nicest on the Island and very friendly staff, thanks for the fun times Tallgrass and it's Staff

Dave H

Had some great times there. Beautiful course, and always kept up the pace of play. Was kid friendly too which i appreciated. Very sad

Bill's Friend Ed

I'll miss driving the 12th* 309 yds. green over the drainage ditch. Didn't do it much but it sure was fun.

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