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June 14, 2017


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John Kingston

Phil, I just saw that story and I just found this page. Great work! One course you can add to it is Charter Oak, which I am familiar with because for one year, in 1972, it was the home course of the Carle Place High School golf team. I always wondered what happened to it. It became the Hoffman Center, which is a nature preserve. I couldn't find many references to it, but here are two:




John...thanks for the note. I mention Charter Oaks in the book, but since I couldn't find any photos, I couldn't feature it more in the book or in the Newsday slideshow. However, while researching I did collect a number of Newsday articles from the 1970s, including a 1977 feature outlining the entire rise and fall of the club. It was designed to be a kind of "super club" but ultimately collapsed under its own weight before it really got off the ground. I can send you the articles if you'd like.

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