Sometimes Long Island's winter golf season gets off to a blazing start -- sunny skies, temps in the 60s, a comforting feel of October golf in December. Other times it's ... well, it's not so great. And the winter of 2020-21 has started off as one of the latter, only fitting since Mother Nature had been so kind and accommodating through the fall.
What's most important though is that there is a Long Island winter golf season. It might not seem that way when you're pushing slush and slop off the porch in the lead-up to Christmas, but even after a snowy start, playable fairways and greens are just a big melt away.
Here's the deal -- while many Northeast golfers pack the clubs away once the leaves have fallen, there is a determined minority that still seeks out open tees from January through March. Long Island's handful of seasonal golf courses typically close sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas and reopen around St. Patrick's Day, while the rest remain open year-round and welcome cold-season golfers.
Winter golf on Long Island is chilly and occasionally unpleasant, but there are benefits. Crowds are sparse, meaning you can work on your game or simply enjoy free time with no pressure. Green fees are lighter, so you can introduce a newcomer to the course without a blow to the wallet. Ground conditions tend to resemble autumn until met with prolonged freezing temps and snow cover.
The big wild card this winter is what role the ongoing pandemic will play -- specifically, will the heightened interest in golf this past summer and fall carry over at all into the cold-weather season? Whether it does or not, just know that with most clubhouses and indoor dining still closed, there won't be a warm respite throughout the day, no hot chocolate or coffee to restore feeling in your hands. Just you, your clubs and the elements. And a quick check of offseason rates reveals that discounts this winter might not be as penny-saving as in the past.
See also: Winter Golf on Long Island overview
Check back with Golf On Long Island throughout the winter for information on special rates and other course offerings. Also be sure to follow local courses on social media for the latest on weather closures, frost delays and more.